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"Vaccino, ecco perché dico di no": parla un luminare italiano in Florida

La Florida è uno di quegli Stati in America dove non è scattata l'obbligatorietà delle mascherine che sono solo consigliate e la cui imposizione è lasciata alle iniziative di contee e città, nonostante l'ondata di contagi che ha travolto l'America, tuttavia, contrastati nelle ultime settimane dalla potente campagna di vaccinazione.

Vladimiro Giua,  medico italiano da quasi trent’anni in America, si è laureato in Italia in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1990 e dopo aver passato tutti gli esami di validazione della laurea negli Stati Uniti, ha completato la specializzazione di tre anni in Medicina Interna al New York Medical College, ed è correntemente specializzato in Medicina Interna con due Boards di specializzazione. Attualmente esercita la professione, in Florida, dove tra l'altro, è il medico di fiducia del Consolato Generale di Italia a Miami e con cognizione di causa sulla base delle sue competenze, dice, convinto: “no al vaccino”.

“L'FDA, la  Food and Drug Administration autorità sanitaria statunitense, non ha approvato formalmente nessuno dei 3 vaccini (Pfizer, Moderna e Johnson & Johnson) correntemente usati per il trattamento del Covid-19 ma ha rilasciato un EUA, ossia un Emergency Use Authorization, un'autorizzazione emergenziale che, di fatto, non ha ancora sperimentato i possibili eventuali effetti collaterali a medio e lungo tempo dalla somministrazione vaccinale”, ci spiega, proprio all’inizio della sua intervista e, per far capire qual è la reale posizione delle autorità sanitarie americane riguardo ai vaccini anti Covid-19. Il dottor Giua porta avanti  il concetto esposto dalla dott.ssa Sherri Tenpenny (posizione che ha avuto critiche  da parte di alcuni media americani) la quale ha sollevato la preoccupazione che l' RNA messaggero inoculato tramite vaccino, una volta aver prodotto la famosa proteina antigenica spike protein, non abbia un sistema di autoregolazione e questo potrebbe creare, a suo avviso, successivi gravi danni. Una terapia preventiva farmacologica con idrossiclorochina, o con la ivermectina, l'intervento immediato anche con cure domiciliari con farmaci già disponibili per chi contrae il virus e diventasse sintomatico ed eventuali  multiple terapie alternative per la cura dell'infezione in stato avanzato, sarebbero la chiave per affrontare il SARS COV-2 meglio conosciuto come Covid-19. Sulla base delle sua esperienza negli ospedali d'oltreoceano la sua testimonianza può esserci d'aiuto per capire a che cosa andiamo incontro anche qui in Italia.


Medical education:

-Oct 2020: American Board of Physician Specialties, Board of Certification in Internal Medicine #19-103969

Passed Exam in October 2020

-Oct 2019: American Board of Internal Medicine: I passed the Maintenance of Certification Examination (MOC).

-May 2006: American Board of Internal Medicine. The new certificate was sent to me in September 2008.

-Aug 1998: American Board of Internal Medicine, Certification #176492

-June 1997: Completed Residency in Internal Medicine

-Dec 5, 1995: USMLE STEP 3

-July 1, 1994: Started three years Residency in Internal Medicine, New York Medical College, Metropolitan Hospital Center, New York City.

-Feb 12, 1994: English Test (TOEFL)

-Sept 9, 1993: USMLE STEP 2

-June 9, 1993: USMLE STEP 1

-May 1991: Italian Medical National Board

-Dec 1990: Medical and Surgical Degree, Universita’ degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy.

-Nov 84-Dec 90: Medical Student at the University of Cagliari, Italy.


-July 2003 Florida Medical Board, License # ME88429, Active

-Jan 2000 Massachusetts Medical Board, License #202596 Inactive

-Nov1998 New Mexico Medical Board, Inactive

-Feb 1998 Texas Medical Board, Inactive

-Nov 1997: West Virginia Medical Board, Inactive

Work Experience:

-Independent contractor, owner of Magnifico PC, Inc. 2004 to present.

-May 2018 to present: Vitas Hospice Team Doctor (Team 1162)

-March 2018: North Shore Medical Center, Medical Staff, provisional medical privileges.

-January 2018 to present: Medico di fiducia (Doctor of Trust), Consulate General of Italy in Miami.

-October 2017: University of Miami Hospital inactive privileges.

-March 2017: Coral Gables Hospital Medical Staff Privileges.

-March 2017: Kindred of Coral Gables,

Active Privileges.

-Dec2016-Feb2017: TeamHealth admitting physician at University of Miami Hospital.

-Jan 2016: North Shore Medical Center -Inactive Privileges. I voluntarily resigned since my practice pattern is currently more active in the south part of Miami.

-Sept 2014: Aventura Hospital inactive privileges

-April 2014: Memorial South and Regional Hospital Inactive Privileges.

-Dec 2012: I dissolved Want To Be Lean? Inc. due to inactivity.

-Dec 2012: Mercy Hospital, Courtesy privileges.

-Aug 2012: Memorial West Hospital Inactive Privileges.

-Feb 2012: Doctor’s Hospital Inactive Privileges.

-Sept 2010: Aventura Hospital privileges.

-July 2010: The extremely heavy work schedule that I experienced working for Dr. Reinfeld, made me decide to go back to work on my own. I am currently on the on call schedule at North Shore Medical Center and Memorial South Hospital and in the process of entering in the ER schedule at University of Miami, where I obtained privileges on August 2009. My privileges a Doctor’s Hospital will be re-instated, after asking for a leave of absence while working for Dr. Reinfeld, on September 2010.

-Feb 2010: I was employed by Howard B. Reinfeld, MD (18260 N.E. 19th Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida 33162). I started seeing patients in hospital settings at North Shore Medical Center, Jackson North, Kindred of Hollywood, Memorial South, West and Regional Hospitals.

-Jan 2008 I started admitting patients at Doctor’s Hospital under my contract with Hospitalist of America, which did not include a covenant not to compete close and therefore it allowed me to also research other business avenues.

-Oct 2007: I signed a contract with Hospitalist of America (HOA) (currently called IPC) covering the assignment of working as a Hospitalist, at the hospital location where I was, at that time, holding active privileges, Doctor’s Hospital.

-Feb 28, 2007 to July 2008: I closed my medical practice in Chatham, MA and moved permanently to Miami in order to get united to my family. In my Miami based office, I was actively offering and developing “concierge” medical services (Younique Clinic) to most of my patients. I envisioned my primary care practice centered both on the diagnosis and treatment of obesity/metabolic syndrome and on the professional use of tailored cosmetic medical therapies.

- Nov 2005: Doctor’s Hospital in Miami, Baptist Health South Florida, obtained admitting privileges in Internal Medicine, Inactive.

-May 2004: Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, admitting privileges, Inactive.

-March 2004: I founded Want To Be Lean? Inc. Cape Cod & Florida. In the process of developing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to treat metabolic syndrome. In the process of developing a patented weight loss nutritional supplement under FDA supervision.

-Jan 2004 to present: Founder and President of Magnifico PC, Inc., Miami, Florida. Over the week end, I was providing, anti-aging treatments: non ablative Candela laser skin therapies, collagen fillers, Botox, hormonal replacement therapy, topical collagen creams, body mass composition analysis with dietary and exercise counselling, iatrogenic (medication related) metabolic syndrome analysis. During the week I was in my medical practice in Chatham, Cape Cod. I used to be a weekly commuter between Boston-Miami.

-Jan 2002 to Feb 2007: No change in my current work experience. I used to work in my office until early afternoon and then I started my rounds in the Nursing Homes.

-Dec 2001 to Feb 2007: Epoch Nursing Home Brewster, MA following patients in their sub-acute, long term and Alzheimer’s units.

-April 2001: Cape Cod Hospital Courtesy privileges. Inactive

-April 2001 to Feb 2007: Cranberry Pointe Nursing Home, Harwich, MA following patients in their sub-acute, long term and Alzheimer’s units. I became their medical director in November 2001.

-March 2001 to Feb 2007: Liberty Commons Rehabilitation & Skilled Care Center, Chatham, MA following patients in their sub-acute, long term and Alzheimer’s units. I became their Community Medical Advisor in May 2001.

-Feb 2001 to Feb 2007: I took over a Family Practice in Chatham, Massachusetts, working under the H-1 Visa status. From December 2000 till January 2001 I was overlapping at the above Family Practice.

-Jan 98-Nov 2000: Ship’s Doctor SilverSea Cruises. I completed my 5th and last contract on November 25, 2000.

-July 97-Jan 98: Job-hunting forced me to apply for medical licenses in several states due to different job opportunities. At that time my J-1 Visa status allowed me to work only in medically underserved area. Eventually I accepted with vivid enthusiasm the offer of SilverSea Cruises, which I joined, as a ship’s doctor on January 1998.

-July 94- June 97: Categorical Internal Medicine Residency New York Medical College-Metropolitan Hospital Center, NYC.

-Aug.92-June 94: I moved and lived in New York City to study for the ECFMG examinations.

-Feb.-March 1992: Surgical Assistant and Emergency Care Physician, “Clinica St. Salvatore”, Cagliari, Italy.

July-Sept. 1991: Emergency Care Physician Italian Health Care Facilities.

-Dec 90-May 92: Universita’ degli Studi di Cagliari “Istituto di I Patologia Chirurgica e Propedeutica Clinica”. I worked under the supervisión of Director Professor Giovanni Maria Daniele, MD.


-Dec 1990: Thesis: Upper Mesenteric Artery’s Embolism: diagnostic and therapeutic approach.

Awards & Honorary Society:

-Jan 2008: Fellow of the American College of Physician. Inactive as I stopped paying dues in relation to a change made on payments structure to which I did not agree on.

-Dec. 2004: Member Florida Medical Association. Inactive

-Sept 2002: Member Massachusetts Medical Society

-Dec 1998: Member of the American College of Physicians, Society of Internal Medicine, ACP-ASIM # 01053000

    vaccinivaccini usavaccinovladimiro giuadottor vladimiro giuaintervista vladimiro giua

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